3 Benefits of Practicing Yoga

Practicing yoga has benefits for people's physical and mental health. It is an activity that involves stretching, balance exercises and breathing techniques. In recent years, studies report that the quality of life of people who practice yoga improves. Let’s talk about the benefits of yoga!

1. Yoga increases flexibility

Flexibility increases significantly when practicing yoga. Each person progresses at their own pace, seeing progress as they regularly perform the poses. The muscles are stretched and worked while the pose is held. Stretching helps keep our muscles healthy and protects your joints from injury.

"Yoga has benefits for people's physical and mental health'

2. Reduce stress

Yoga poses, gentle movements, and breathing exercises help calm the body and reduce stress levels. Meditation within the practice of yoga also benefits the mind because it exercises concentration in the present moment and blocks out the distractions that surround us. For best results it is recommended to do yoga regularly. With constant practice you gain experience and knowledge of your own body and mind. In each session, participants are encouraged to connect with themselves, they are made more aware of what they feel and what is happening in their space.

3. Strengthen your muscles

Through the practice of the different yoga postures, the muscles of the body are worked. The abdomen and back can be strengthened if some of the poses are performed consistently. Other parts of the body such as arms and legs can also be worked. Having to maintain posture and balance for certain periods of time is what favors muscle strengthening. Postures like bridge, cobra, downward facing dog, warrior, and the triangle are very beneficial.

Start your yoga practice when you are ready, but make sure you do it with a certified instructor
